What Do You Mean By Judgement

Meaning of Judgement : Judgement means the observation and decision of court of law in respect of a particular case after conclusion of a trial. Content of Judgement : Every Judgement - Shall be written in the language of the court. Shall contain the point or points for determination, the decision there on and the reason for the decision. Shall specify the offence of which and section of The Indian Penal Code, 1860 or other law under which the accused is convicted and the punishment to which he is sentenced. If the Judgement is of acquittal, it shall state the offence, of which the accused is acquitted and direct that he be set at liberty section 354(1). Object : The object should be to protect the society and to deter the criminal in achieving the avowed object of law by imposing appropriate sentence. The social impact of the crime like where its relates to offences against woman, kidnapping and other offences involving moral delinquency which have great impact on s...

Different Types of Marriages Under The Muslim Law

Marriage under islamic law is known as 'Nikah' which means simple marriage. The different forms of marriage can be studied under the two sects of- Sunnis and Shias. According to the Sunni sect, marriages are generally of three forms this are :-
1) Valid (Sahih).
2) Void (Batil).
3) Irregular (Fasid).

1) Valid (Sahih) Marriage :-

A valid marriage is one which conforms in all respects with the legal requirement, and there should be no prohibition affecting the parties. A valid marriage confers upon the wife the right to dower, maintenance and residence in her husband's house imposes on her the obligation to be faithful and obedient to him, to admit him to sexual intercourse and to observe the iddat. It creates between the parties prohibited degrees of relation and reciprocal rights of inheritance. When all the legal conditions are fulfilled the marriage is called Sahih marriage.

Essential of a Valid marriage :-

i) The parties must be competent to contract a valid marriage,.
ii) Certain essential formalities of marriage must be observed.
iii) There must be absence of legal impediments.
iv) Parties must not be related within the degrees of prohibited relationship such as affinity, fosterage and consanguinity.

2) Void (Batil) Marriage :-

A marriage which has no legal result is termed as void. A marriage forbidden by the rules of blood relationship, affinity or fosterage is void. Similarly, a marriage with the wife of another, or remarriage with the divorce wife, without observing the strict rule faith for this occasion, is void. A void marriage is no marriage at all. It does not create any civil right or obligation between the parties. Void marriage is a illegitimate. 

3) Irregular (Fasid) Marriage :-

A marriage may be either lawful or unlawful. Unlawfulness may be either absolute or relative. If the unlawfulness is absolute, the marriage is void. And if it is relative it is an irregular marriage. An irregular marriage may be terminated by either party, either before or after consummation, by words showing an intention to separate, as where either party says to the other - 'I have relinquished you'. An irregular marriage has no legal effect before consumption. The following are treated as irregular marriages under Muslim law :- 
i) A marriage without witnesses.
ii) A marriage with a woman under going iddat.
iii) A marriage prohibited by reason of difference of religion.
iv) A marriage with two sister at the same time.
v) A marriage with a fifth wife.

According to the Shia sects, marriages may be two forms, this are :-
1) Permanent Marriage;
2) Temporary(Muta) Marriage;


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