Meaning of 'Forest' :-
The word forest is derived from the Latin word 'foris' which means outside. This has reference to village boundaries or fence. 'Forest' or 'Jungle' is a collection of trees, shrubs, herbs, grass and naturally has wild life living in it. Forest is a great or vast wood.
Forest, in general sense, is an area set aside for the production of timber and other forest produce or maintained under woody vegetation for creation indirect benefits which it provides that is climate or protective.
Forest, in ecological sense, is a plant community predominantly of trees and other woody vegetation, usually with a closed canopy.
Tomlin's Law Dictionary states, "A forest is a certain territory or circuit of woody grounds and pastures know in its bounds and privilege, for the peaceable abiding of wild beasts and fowls of forest chase and warren, to be under the king's protection for his princely delight; replenished with beasts of venary or chase and great coverts of vert for succour of the said beasts; for preservation whereof there are particular laws, privileges, and officers belonging therein unto".
In legal sense, forest is an area of land proclaimed to be a forest under a forest law. However the term 'forest' has not been defined in the Forest Act, 1927.
Utility of Forests :-
Forests are green lung given by nature. Forests are renewable resources. They are useful directly and indirectly. Directly, they provide wood, timber, fuel, medicinal plants, fruits and other products which have commercial and industrial value such as newsprint, rayon, bidi leaves, gums, resins, charcoal etc. They provide employment to the people. Indirectly forests preserve the physical features of land, check soil erosion, mitigate floods, help streams flow perennially and in this way help agriculture.
Thus, forests which include trees, shrubs, herbs, grass etc. have a moderating effect on climate as they help in maintaining ecological balance. They render the climate equable, add to fertility of soil, prevent soil erosion and promote perennial stream flows in rain-fed rivers. They shelter wild animals, preserve gene pools and feed tribal people.
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