What Do You Mean By Judgement

Meaning of Judgement : Judgement means the observation and decision of court of law in respect of a particular case after conclusion of a trial. Content of Judgement : Every Judgement - Shall be written in the language of the court. Shall contain the point or points for determination, the decision there on and the reason for the decision. Shall specify the offence of which and section of The Indian Penal Code, 1860 or other law under which the accused is convicted and the punishment to which he is sentenced. If the Judgement is of acquittal, it shall state the offence, of which the accused is acquitted and direct that he be set at liberty section 354(1). Object : The object should be to protect the society and to deter the criminal in achieving the avowed object of law by imposing appropriate sentence. The social impact of the crime like where its relates to offences against woman, kidnapping and other offences involving moral delinquency which have great impact on s...

Meaning of Atmosphere, Weather and Climate

Meaning of Atmosphere :-

The term 'atmosphere' means the air envelope which surrounding the earth. It is the hick gaseous mental surrounding the earth. The density of the atmosphere decreases with height. There are four layers of the atmosphere. The first layer is known as 'troposphere'. In this layer, the temperature of air decreases with height at an average of one degree centigrade for 165 meters. The troposphere extend to a height of roughly 18 kilometers along the equator and about 8 kilometers along the poles. The upper limit of the troposphere is called the 'tropopause'. Above the troposphere is second layer which is called the 'stratosphere' extending from roughly 12 to 50 kilometers. The ozone layer in this layer absorbs harmful ultraviolet radiation from the sun. Above, the stratosphere, there is third layer 'mesosphere' or 'metrosphere' extending about 40 km. in height. In this zone temperature shows a decrease up to 80℃. Upper layer of this zone is 'mesopause'. The fourth layer is 'ionosphere' or 'thermosphere' which extends from 80 to 300 kilometers. The ionosphere contains electricity charged particles called 'ions'. These particles reflect radio waves back to the earth's surface and enable wireless communication. The uppermost layer is called 'exosphere'.

Meaning of Weather :-

The term 'weather' refers to the short-term properties of the atmosphere (such as temperature, pressure, humidity, rainfall, sunshine, cloud cover and wind etc.) at a given place and time. Weather refers to the hourly, daily or weekly changes in temperature, pressure, etc.

Meaning of Climate :-

The average weather of an area including general pattern of atmospheric conditions, seasonal variations, and weather extremes averaged over a long period of time is called climate. The climate reflects longer periods, such as season or year. The climate is largely determined by the temperature and rainfall of an area. The entire earth can be divided into four main climate regions on the basis of temperature along latitude. These regions are :-
1) Tropical region (0° - 20° latitude);
2) Sub-tropical region (20° - 40° latitude);
3) Temperate region (40° - 60° latitude);
4) Arctic and Antarctic region (60°- 80° latitude);
The climate conditions that prevail in an area of limited size, such as the immediate surroundings of plants and animals, constitute 'micro climate'. It generally differs from the prevailing regional climatic conditions.


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